Wednesday, April 30, 2008

If Worse Comes to Worst, We're Skrewed

Happy Birthday, Dad! It is seventy years ago today that my father was born.

I realize that several of my posts address my father's life and impact on me. I guess that just says how much he means to me.

Silly Pun (my dad liked these too): If your father is from Canada and your mother is from Chile, does that make you a Canachile (pronounced: can-a-chili)?

OK, the groaning can stop now.


Ms. Julie said...

And now, one of dad's favorite make-mom-groan songs:

Grandma's in the cellar,
Oh can't you smell'er?
Makin' biscuits on that dirty, dirty stove.
In her eye there's a matter
That keeps drippin' in the batter,
And she *sniffs* as the stuff runs down her nose.

Down her nose! (Down her nose!)
Down her nose! (Down her nose!)
And she *sniffs* as the stuff runs down her nose!

Home to Energy said...

So there's this man in an airplane. All of a sudden something goes wrong and he and the pilot have to jump for their lives. The pilot tells him to count to 10 and then pull the cord. If that doesn't work, pull the other cord. If neither work, then pray to Allah.
"Allah?" The man asks. "Why Allah?"
"Because Allah is the God of the skies" he explains. And then he jumps.
So the man follows him. He counts to 10 and pulls the cord. Nothing. He pulls the other cord. Nothing.
Desperately he puts his hands together and says, "Oh Allah, Allah, Allah!"
And out of nowhere this great big hand reaches out of the sky, catches the man, and gently places him on the ground.
The man wipes the sweat off his forhead and mumbles, "thank God!"


Okay, it's funnier when dad told it, but it's the only joke I remember.
Well, that and the two jokes Jason told at dad's funeral, of course.

I went to the cemetery yesterday afternoon and spent some time just sitting there. I sent a text to all my siblings with a cell phone letting them know I "brought" you all with me. Since you don't have a cell phone I couldn't tell you that. But I brought you with me anyway. :)

Happy birthday bro! Have fun on your cruise!