Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Tag I'm It

Daredevil Mom tagged me because she is really interested in my answers. I'll try not to disappoint...

Four Jobs I Have Held

CPA Tax Accountant
BYU Student Teacher (International Relations)
Children's Computer Games Tester (that was a lot of fun - I still giggle at "Oh no, I can't get my nose out" - ask Daredevil Mom)
Assistant Manager at Domino's Pizza (I made the pizzas and delivered occasionally - once a party of late teenage girls asked me to come in and stay - for once in my life, I made the right choice and took my money and left)

Four Movie I Can Watch Repeatedly

Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
Cyrano de Bergerac (Gerard Depardieu version, in French)
Cinema Paradiso
The Magnificent Seven

But there are SO many others, like The Thin Man movies, Some Like It Hot, Bringing Up Baby, Arsenic And Old Lace, Guess Who's Coming To Dinner?, The Wizard Of Oz, The Incredibles (yes, the Pixar film), Citizen Kane, Frequency, The Great Escape, and Ben Hur (I have a DVD collection that can rival several video rental stores).

Four Places I Have Lived

Santa Clara, California
Provo, Utah
Chinju, South Korea
Sunnyvale, California

It is strange to think about where one has "lived". I experienced a lot of Life while touring in Europe at a teenager (study abroad for one month - and yes, sometimes it was study a broad - there was a somewhat torrid love affair that ensued - I said I experienced a lot of Life). But in retrospect, I grew up in my parent's home, I went to college in another state, I served a mission in another country, and then I returned to the city in which I was raised to pursue my career. It was never planned that way - I fully intended to move away (I interviewed with companies in Boston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Dallas). But the best job opportunity was in the place I knew well. So why fight fate? I am not some hick who has never seen anything (no offense to those of you who may fall into that category) of this world. I just came full circle. Odd, but true.

Four Categories Of Television I Enjoy

"Freaky, Freaky Space Shows" (that is my wife's assessment of my viewing pleasures - I would call it Science Fiction - shows like Star Trek, Lost, Heroes, Smallville and Babylon Five - it is a very broad category)
British Science Fiction or Crime Dramas (separate from above -- this would include Doctor Who, Life on Mars, Hex, Torchwood, and Jonathan Creek)
Food Network Shows (especially Good Eats -- informative, fun, delicious)
Legal or Medical Dramas (Boston Legal, House, Shark)

There is a category of show I enjoy that is not well represented on TV -- the quirky and intelligent. This would include shows that often don't make it very long. Examples include "Studio 60", "Wonderfalls", "Monk", "Dead Like Me", "Sports Night", and (the most enduring of the bunch) "The West Wing". Obviously, I am a fan of Aaron Sorkin, David E. Kelly, and Bryan Fuller. They write scripts that are intelligent. The dialog is at once very serious and then very funny. And the fun is not laugh track, cheap joke funny. It is irony, quirkiness, the world turned sideways and exposed kind of funny. Maybe I'm just a snob (though I do have several guilty pleasures in my DVD collection). Or maybe I am just really tired of the pandering, LOWEST common denominator, inane, fluffy, and insipid wasteland that inhabits most of the channels today (especially during the summer months -- do they think that the more intelligent of the species have all gone to Europe for vacation? Maybe we should and leave the USA TV landscape to the chest-thumping, slope-headed, numb-skulls that the advertisers believe inhabit this land.). But enough of this...next question...

Four Places I Have Been On Holiday

Alaska (Ketchikan, Juno, Skagway)
Mexico (Acapulco, Puerto Vallarta, Cabo San Lucas)
Europe (study abroad / holiday -- not much difference) (England, France, Switzerland, Italy, Greece)
Crater Lake, Oregon

Four Favorite Dishes

Dinner Plate, Cow Creamer, Bread Plate, Gravy Boat :)


Potatoes Au Gratin
Fillet Mignon
Strawberry Rhubarb Pie
Macaroni and Cheese

Unfortunately, while I really LOVE cheese, I'm finding that my system is becoming increasingly intolerant to processing it. My father was right...it is a bitch getting older.

Four Websites I Visit Daily

Yahoo Finance
My AOL Email
Daredevil Mom's Blog (although, she has been a little sparse in her postings of late -- maybe a bit busy with her acting, kids, job, life)

Four Places I Would Rather Be Right Now

Lucerne, Switzerland
Juno, Alaska
My Endless Pool
Scotland (I've never been there, but I have always wanted to go)

Four People I Tag Next

Now this is a bit of a cop out, but as I do not know the people who read my blog, here is the deal: If your name isn't Daredevil Mom, you are tagged (I presume that there are no "tag backs" in this game of tag). Let me know who you are by posting a comment to this post and I will visit your blog and read what you have to say. Deal?

1 comment:

Ms. Julie said...

Somehow, I knew you'd choose four dishes. :)

And only you would say "it is a bitch getting older."

Most people say, "gettin' older's a bitch."
