Sunday, October 10, 2010

Nerds Unite -- Today Is The Answer!

Today is October 10, 2010. Many believe that three 10s in a row is lucky (see various gambling games). There were several weddings today. Births and birthdays were celebrated.

But for those who understand binary code, today is the answer to the question of life, the universe and everything.

101010 in binary is 42 in base 10.

For those who do not understand, please refer to Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy.


necrodancer said...

So, what in scripture might be relate-able to 101010 or 42?

The 42 generations of Abraham to the Christ in the Gospel according to Matthew and the 42 generations of David to the Christ according to Luke. (Lk 3:23-38) I don't think both can be totally accurate. Of course, this all depends on how you count a generation.

The little children mocked of the prophet Elisha. Elisha then curses them and the fierce animals come out of the forest killing 42 of them. (2 K 2:24)

So 42 is a number representing a time of suffering and test, according to the Bible.

The Accounting Man said...

According to an interview with Steven Fry, his friend Douglas Adams told him the reason he chose 42 for his book. But he was sworn to take the reason to his grave -- so I guess we will not know what Adams was thinking.

Your thoughts are as good as others I've heard.