Friday, April 30, 2010

Last Post Deleted

To those of you who saw my last post entitled "What to do when Mom gets old" I want you to know that after venting here I realized that my post was not truly indicative of how I felt about my mother, her age, my age, my role in life, etc.

So I deleted it to hopefully avoid any misunderstandings.

Judging from the number of comments attached to that post (none), it may be that either no one saw it or everyone was embarrassed about it. Regardless, it is now gone and can be forgotten.

My true feelings about my mother are much more tender than what I wrote. I must say that of late I have been feeling rather foul. Maybe it's a mid-life crisis. Maybe I need a vacation. Maybe I need a hug. Maybe I just need my father to gently tell me to "snap out of it".

I really miss him. He would have been 72 today. Happy Birthday Dad.


necrodancer said...


Look, I didn't read your post. Still, I understand that there are times when frustration gets the best of us. Combine that with missing someone who would have helped with that frustration and you've got a recipe for serious feelings.

Hang in there.

The Accounting Man said...

Thanks, ND. I really appreciate the understanding. It's been a tough few months.

I'm ready for a vacation.