Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter -- The Time For Renewal

Easter seems to have been forgotten this year. I have found very little in the media or the general public sentiment that even acknowledges the season. Personally, I'm spending a great amount of time at work due to the looming tax deadline. But I am tired of making excuses about why I didn't plan to attend church (I repented and went to church this morning -- I need His help at this time of year -- I figured I owed Him some time this day).

But Easter should be remembered. In fact, it must be remembered. The spring season is a time of rebirth for the Earth and its plants. The animals come out and newborns are introduced to the world.

And an empty tomb makes our rebirth possible.

I do not have enough time to write everything I feel for my Savior. I do not have enough words to express my love and gratitude. English (and every other language I either know or am familiar with) is inadequate as a medium for my feelings, thoughts, desires, love and pain.

And yet we try, for that is the best we can do. Maybe the image of falling at His feet, feeling the prints of the nails, and soaking his robes with our tears is close. For today, it is close enough.

I have been saved from Death and Hell because of the events of Easter. An unparallelled gift was given and we are wrapped in His love.

And yet the world ignores.

Poor foolish world.

Don't be a fool.

1 comment:

necrodancer said...

I was pleased to be a part of the Easter program in our ward, though my part was so very insignificant. I truly enjoy participating with the ward choir. Ours is so very small. More an ensemble, we sang an intermediate hymn, "O Savior, Thou Who Wearest a Crown". Our practice did shine through. I certainly felt the spirit as we expressed our testimonies in song.

I too have noticed the limited focus on the Easter holiday this year but had thought it my perspective. I prefer Easter over Christmas because it is traditionally a little less harried by the commercialism. Still, there should be something more to this holiday than the isles upon isles of pre-made Easter baskets in Walmart.

Happy Easter!